Thursday 14 February 2013

How I spent my Valentines day

As you may know I hate Valentines day for reasons stated in THIS blog post, despite this I thought I would tell you how I spent 'the most romantic day of the year.'

I woke up and made myself some breakfast of Mini Max breakfast cereal and ate it whilst I caught up with my favourite YouTuber's videos before proceeding downstairs to sit amongst my brand new Disney cushions and doing some history revision and watching Captain America (which made me cry, not going to lie.)

After that I made some lunch and began my marathon of watching How I Met Your Mother episodes which I have just discovered and love! They are brilliant, I'd recommend. 

However, after about seven episodes I got a little bit restless and decided to make a cake which looks like an absolute train wreak but its okay because it tastes awesome. I'm am however, unsure of what those yellow dots are I suppose that must be a bit of burnt white chocolate but oh well.

After my stint as a failed chef I went back to watching How I Met Your Mother and decided HEY after all that chocolate I will be eating I should do some exercise so I got my new exercise bike out and read Silver Linings Playbook on my Kindle whilst I was riding, it's a good way to make you go longer and faster if your mind is not occupied on the actual workout add some small weights for your arms and you're good to go.

After that I reorganised my bookshelf (one of my favourite things to do, I KNOW, CRAZYYY GIRL!) and I can't help but marvel at how pretty books are.
So that's it for now,  but I plan on spending the night doing some French coursework and possibly English coursework whilst watching Doctor Who forth series and Merlin third series. 


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