When we arrived at Paddington Station we got our tube tickets and made our way to Kings Cross. This was ridiculously exciting for me as I haven't been to London since I was about 4 and had never ridden on the tube, by the end of the day however, the novelty had somewhat worn off!
When we arrived at Kings Cross we found Emma, Molly's friend, and got in the queue to go on Platform 9 and 3/4. The man who was taking the professional photos was very impressed at how prepared we were with our scarves and wands.
After we had had our pictures taken we took a trip inside the Harry Potter shop on the platform. It literally took every single ounce of self restrain I had not to buy the whole shop! I did however, buy the photo of myself and Molly on the platform (she brought the one with us doing the spell) and a Ravenclaw scarf! We also got our purchases inside a Platform 9 and 3/4 plastic bag... which may not seem exciting to you but seeing as we have to pay for our plastic bags in Wales, this was great getting one (which was also very cool) for free! ...The simple things in life.
After Kings Cross we made our way on several tubes to London Comic Con. I forgot to take any pictures here, but as I say it was incredible with all the Cosplays. My particular favourite was someone who dressed up as Jack Sparrow, I had to do a double take because he looked so much like him! We saw several YouTubers like Jack and Dean and Crabsticks but I didn't get any photos because I didn't want to stand in the line. We also saw Tom Baker who was the fourth Doctor which was pretty cool but I didn't want to pay £15 for an autograph and a photo so I just watched from afar.
My overall impression of Comic Con was very positive and I shall be going back next year however, I think my experience would have been ever better if there had been celebrities there that I knew well rather than people who I just vaguely knew in passing. All in all, I would definitely recommend you go if you even vaguely like anything to do with Sci-Fi or especially Anime and Manga.
After Comic Con we went to pizza hut because we hadn't eaten all day and and then Molly and I walked around London. We visited Hamley's because of the massive Harry Potter section they have, M&M World which was amazing and then Buckingham Palace to have tea with the queen and Trafalgar Square to cry that the Harry Potter preimere was held there.
Then at about quarter to eight we went back to Paddington to go back on the train only to find that our carriage was the entertainment carriage and we had a TV in the back of our chairs with four episodes of Doctor Who and five episodes of Miranda along with other things, so that was us sorted!
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