Monday 31 December 2012

Top 6 films of 2012

I went to the cinema more times this year than I have ever before in recent years, so choosing my top 6 films was hard but in the end it was definitely these films.

1. The Hunger Games
This had to be number one, purely because the books are one of my favourite trilogies I am pretty happy with the way they stuck pretty close to the books and I cannot wait for Catching Fire! 

                                              2. Perks of Being a Wallflower 
As a pretty big fan of the book I was curious to see how they could do this without ruining a fantastic book, but it defiantly didn't disappoint and I was so happy that they stuck so closely to the book! I will be buying this as soon as it comes out on DVD!

3. The Amazing Spiderman
I loved this film so much! I adored Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield (and his bum) I thought they played such a good part in this film and it brought back a lot of memories from when I used to read the comic when I was younger!

4. The Avengers
I went to see this film about three times, mainly because I love Chris Evans (Captain America) but primarily because this is such a cool movie and so well done, I love it!

5. Brave
Saw this on a whim because the film I was originally going to see was sold out, but I am so glad it was because I love this film! Its another classic from Pixar and I love Meredith's hair!

6. Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2
This film was completely unexpected as I am not a fan of Twilight but I had to give props to it as this was a brilliant finale and the 'twist' in it was fantastically done, so well done Twilight! (Although I'm not entirely convinced you've made a fan out of me just yet, considering the other films were pretty crap)

Doctor Who Christmas Special Review

I thought that the Doctor who Christmas special was pleasantly refreshing. I have recently gone off doctor who and have barely watched the episodes with Matt smith in them, I think purely because I loved David Tennant as the Doctor and couldn’t picture anyone else playing him, but I think I may have judged to harshly.
My friend Molly had been raving to me at how excited she was for the Christmas special so I thought I would give it a go and watched it with my completely obsessed cousin, and I was pretty impressed, I think that the new companion played by Jenna Louise Coleman is a breath of fresh air in the show and will bring something that has in my mind been lacking. I think that it will bring something back to the show that fans haven’t seen since the tenth doctor and Rose. I am interested to see how the relationship between Clara and the doctor develops
The storyline had you think but not to the point where you didn't have a clue what was going on, which I felt has let the show down in the recent series'. However, I thought that the snowmen were not scary at least not to the calibre that Doctor Who used to do (Angels anyone)  and I don't think that the way that they were destroyed was very well developed as it only showed the family crying helped it which was in my opinion rushed and unimaginative .
However, all things taken into consideration, I thought that the script was light-hearted, humorous and all the fun and mystery that comes with a doctor who episode it defiantly reminisced the ‘good old days’ of Doctor Who, and I for one will definitely be watching the new series when it airs if it carries on the way that this episode has promised.

Downton Abbey Christmas Special Review

Downton abbey Christmas special was somewhat disappointing compared to last year’s Christmas special, now bear in mind I am saying this as a massive fan of the programme but I wouldn't say I thought the programme was bad just lacking.
               Of course the end of the programme was horrible with Matthews death (now I do know that it was Dan Stevens fault for not wanting to stay on for a fourth series but) I felt that killing him off was an obvious and depressing end to a Christmas special that was a complete contrast to his storyline last year of him proposing to Mary, I felt that his death lacked emotion and was anti-climactic as it was obvious what was going to happen, it lacked integrity. I am however, anxious to see how Mary will cope next series with a new baby and the death of her newlywed husband I think it could be interesting to see how she handles the pressures and it wouldn’t surprise me if she gets closer to Tom Branson because he has obviously just gone through the same thing with Lady Sybil.
               Personally I felt that having another new parent die so soon after the birth of their first child was too repetitive, when it was first done with Lady Sybil it showed great emotion and heartbreak, however I think that Matthews death was predictable and unemotional which is unfair considering Matthew is such a brilliant character and one that will be sorely missed, I wish that they had thought of another way that he could have left the show, but still left it open if he ever wished to return. I think that the Downton writers missed what could have been an even more heart-wrenching exit than Lady Sybil's but copped out and used a plot that had already been used earlier in the same series.
               Despite all of this I wouldn't want you to believe that I didn't enjoy the episode because I defiantly did I was just upset because I didn't like that they had finally given complete happiness to Mary only to have everything taken away from her 5 minutes later, I wish that they could had given her at least another series of happiness.
               I think that due to the death of Matthew, series four will result in Edith coming into her own and not so much walking in her older sisters footsteps which could be interesting if done correctly. I think she will defiantly develop her new relationship with the journalist and hopefully she will find the happiness she so sorely craves.
               I also believe that Rose will become a more poignant character and to this, I’m not sure how I feel, I think that the writers are trying to find someone now to fill the huge void that Lady Sybil and Matthew will cause, and I’m not entirely certain Rose is the right way to go about this. 
               I felt that the way the writers showed the staff of Downton was done really well and I especially enjoyed Mrs Patmore’s brief swing with romance.
               All in all, I am very intreged to see how the family deal with Matthews death, how Rose will fit into the show, Edith’s new found confidence and of course, Mr and Mrs Bates relationship blooming as ever. 

Sunday 30 December 2012

Harry Potter Wizard's Collection

For Christmas this year I was lucky enough to receive every Harry Potter fan's ultimate gift- The Wizards Collection. This is a huge box filled with all of the DVD's, 32 hours of bonus features (the majority unseen), The Slytherin Horcrux, and Ultra Violet redemption code and much, much more. Unfortunately this gift has once again ignited my everlasting Post-Potter depression, so beware this gift should come with a warning "Not suitable for those who are still morning the ending of the films and books" and also "Not suitable for Muggles!"

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Theatrical Version and Extended Cut
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Theatrical Version and Extended Cut
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 2D and 3D Versions
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 2D and 3D Versions
All previously released special feature discs including the 8-part documentary Creating the World of Harry Potter. All New! Creating the World of Harry Potter, Pt 7 Story and Creating the World of Harry Potter, Pt 8: Growing Up.

Bonus disc of completely unseen footage!

Concept art prints by Stuart Craig and Certificate of Authenticity

The Slytherin Horcrux locket (which opens), Ultra Violet redeption code and in a very secret compartment lives a book of the Harry Potter Catalog Of Props and Posters

A blueprint map of Hogwarts

(And in my opinion the best thing in the box) a Map of Hogwarts.

Hope you had a magical Christmas.

Saturday 29 December 2012

New years resolutions

I know every single person makes these new years resolutions and the vast majority never, ever stick to them, myself included, in fact I've usually forgotten about them by the end of January but alas, I am still going to make some and promise myself I will stick to them.

  1. The biggest and most reachable (and possibly the most important) resolution is to make this year is to revise far more than I did last year for my upcoming GCSEs, these are incredibly important (also incredibly boring) but will shape my life, so I suppose I absolutely must put in the work *yawn* 
  2. Be more positive, I'm not known for being the most optimistic person in the world, but I think that I should try to at least see the good in most things before I cast them aside and say I simply cannot do it, this will also help with the whole revision thing. 
  3. Finally, the most clichéd resolution, is to save money, but I am going to London and Florida and many other endeavours that will require me to have money, also I have two big birthdays in my family this year and I would like to treat them both. 
So I'm only going to make three in the hope that I keep at least one, but we shall see. 
Happy New Year! 

Thursday 27 December 2012

Tumblr, come and follow me!

If you want a less direct and more relaxed approach of blogging then head on over to my Tumblr page by clicking here

Sunday 23 December 2012

My most attractive celebrities

In no particular order...
Daniel Radcliffe, 
In my opinion I think he is the most attractive man to walk this earth

Zac Efron, 
Sorry but who wouldn't have him on their most attractive list?

Ed Sheeran, 
Ed is mainly on here for his amazing personality and the fact that I am completely in love with him in a non-dirty way. Aw.

Logan Lerman, 
Probably isn't the best photo, but this guy is so cute I just want to hug him all day long

Robert Sheehan,
 Primarily for his role of Nathan in Misfits but he is still extremely attractive

Top girl crushes
because they are just simply flawless and I would die to look like them.

Emma Watson 
She is just Hermione personified, and I love her for that so much

Jennifer Lawrence 
Probably my ultimate 'girl crush' I just love how she doesn't conform to the Hollywood standards and is such a badass actress.
Mila Kunis
Everyone knows why shes on here, and if you don't think she is the most unfairly stunning girl in the world, then you are kidding yourself.

Christmas tag


What are you doing for the holidays this year?
I am doing the usual, waking up at about 9AM to open my presents with my mum, dad and brother, then my mum makes us all bacon sandwiches with hot chocolate or tea and then this year which is different to the past years we are going to my aunties house to continue onwards with the festivities.

 What's your favourite holiday drink?
I don't have a specific drink, so I will just say hot chocolate. 

Candy Cane or Gingerbread man?
Probably gingerbread men.

What's your favourite Christmas song?
Merry Christmas Everybody- Slade but I have so many more, I love Christmas songs.

Have you ever made a Snowman?
Yes many times.

Favourite Christmas movie?

I have loads but I actually did a post on my favourites here

Have you ever had a White Christmas?
Well last year (I think, or it could have been the year before) there was snow on the ground but it wasn't actually falling from the sky so it doesn't really count, so no I have not

Where do you usually spend your holidays?
At home, with my family.

Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Doner and Blitzen, and Rudolph, I think that's it?!

What holiday tradition are you looking forward to this year?
Everything I just love Christmas!

Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Fake, its too much hassle to have a real one, and I really like putting it up on the first so it would go all mouldy by the time it would be Christmas if we had a real one.

Hands down, what's your all-time favourite holiday food and holiday sweet treat?
It has to be turkey, doesn't it! I just don't understand why its not 'acceptable' to have it all year round?

Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?
I think to be honest when I was younger I was all about receiving but this year I am literally SO excited to give my gifts that I have brought my family to them, that it certainly overpowers any excitement I have for my own presents. (strange what growing up does to you eh)

What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
New York but not on Christmas day because for me that has to be spent at home with family.

Are you a pro-present wrapper or do you fail miserably?
Usually I fail, badly, but this year I have completely surpassed myself, so I'm very pleased 

Most memorable Holiday moment?
Just when I was younger and the pure excitement worrying if Santa had been or not and then bombing down the stairs into the living room and just seeing stacks of presents under the tree for you, nothing quite beats that.

What made you realise the truth about Santa?
I'm sorry but what truth is this?

Do you make New Year's resolutions? Do you stick to them?
I do, but I NEVER stick to them

What makes the Holidays special for you? 

Coloured or white lights?
Coloured, of course
Merry Christmas, Ho, Ho, HO

Saturday 22 December 2012

Things that make me happy

In no particular order....

Holidays in general
Watching harry potter movies
Taking photographs
My family
My hamster
When my hair turns out nice
Having no homework
Wearing fuzzy pyjamas or new pyjamas
When a bun turns out perfect
When I get the first bus home from school
Daniel Radcliffe
Ed Sheeran
Harry Potter books/THG book (which incidentally also make me very sad)
No commercials on the radio
Travelling to new places
When my ipod plays the perfect sequence of songs
Actually having plans with people who you really care about
Saying in with my family
New socks which have a crazy pattern on them (simple things in life)
Finding a new programme/film/book that you absolutely love
When people remember small things you told them
Harry potter books will make me happy until the day I die
Re-reading books from my childhood
Just books books books
Staying in with friends and watching horror films and eating lots of food
Giving a gift that someone has wanted for ages, or is a complete surprise to them
Christmas lights
Having good exam or test results when you thought you had failed
Having friendly 'banter' with friends
Late night conversations with friends about anything and everything
When you spontaneously burst out laughing when you remember something that had happened ages ago.

Now that is the end or at least all I can think of for now.

Friday 21 December 2012

Top 5 Disney Films

Disney is one of those things that you can pretty much stake your life on that everyone (sometimes very deep down) loves a good old Disney film. I for one adore Disney and have been to Florida Disneyworld about four or five times and am due to be going back in October 2013(SO EXCITED!!!), and to be perfectly honest my parents enjoy it just as much as me and they have made the trip about seven or eight times, in result of this our entire house is covered with Disney items, whether its in clothing forms, stuffed animals, stationary, you name it and we will probably have something with Disney on it. So its safe to say that we are all obsessed with Disney and this creates a very tough decision of choosing my top five Disney films (including Pixar) but I will do my very best. 
(In no particular order)

 Tangled, is a recently new creation from Disney but that doesn't make it any less amazing. I personally think that this film is very much like the good old original Disney films, that aren't over computerised and are 'sticking to its roots' shall we say. If you have not seen Tangled, then I certainly recommend it as its not just one of my favourite Disney films but one of my all time favourite films, it will have you laughing, crying and  feeling toughly heart-warmed.

Snow White
Snow White, is one of the oldest creations from Disney, so I'm pretty sure you can call it a classic this is definitely a childhood favourite, although I am yet to buy it on DVD I have it on VHS. Even though I remember it being my favourite and I even had a little Snow White dressing up dress I would always be too terrified to watch alone because the horrible witch used to scare the living daylights out of me! (in fact she still scares me a bit even now) 

The Lion King
I'm pretty sure that this Disney film would make it in to anyone's top 5 Disney films as its a worldwide favourite amongst everyone. They recently re-released this film (last year, I think?) and of course I had to go and see it in the cinema and it just never ceases to amaze me. I also recently went to see the musical of The Lion King in the Bristol Hippodrome and it was fantastic! 

Monsters INC

Monsters Inc is not everyone's favourite but I absolutely love it. It makes me giggle and feel genuinely happy, its definitely a pick me up film and was one of the first DVD's that I brought in a bid to build up my Disney film collection again.

and finally....

Peter Pan
Peter Pan, is also an all time classic film that everyone has heard of and many old dear to their hearts, I for one definitely follow Peter because I don't want to grow up either! Not only do I love the cartoon but I also love the 'human' adaptation of it as well, (not just because Jeremy Sumpter was my 'childhood' crush) both version again make me cry and laugh, but I'm beginning to think after writing all of this down, that this was Walt Disney's initial plan- to make you go through a roller coaster of emotions.

But remember, you are NEVER too old for a Disney film!

A little winter's tip

Only FOUR days until Christmas!

Just thought I would give a little tip, that may help you when (if you are one of the unlucky ones like me) you get a serious case of the sniffles and feel like your throat is on fire. NEVER take a blackcurrant Lemsip (Lemsips by the way are probably the worse things I have ever had the misfortune of having, its like Satan in a cup) with some cough mixture in it, because you will end up feel even shitter and will result in you having to have the day off because your stomach feels like its about to explode.
Anyway, I hope that you had a better day than me.

Thursday 20 December 2012

Christmas Eve

So, its safe to say I am very excited for Christmas eve. There's something about spending it with those closest to when everywhere around you is festive and fun. 

In the morning I will be go to see The Hobbit with Molly, [She bribed me to go with her, so in return for seeing it I am gaining some nachos and the possibility of borrowing books from her collection, pretty good bargain on my part ;-)] 


After the cinema my mum is taking us home and I'm going to listen to some Christmas songs with my dad and act like fools for about 20 minutes. My brother is coming home from uni in preparation for Christmas day and afterwards we will be watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, as it is a tradition that we watch it every Christmas eve and we have done ever since I was little.

Merry Christmas, Ho, Ho Ho.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Get to know me TAG

I thought that I would put together some questions I found on Tumblr so that you can get to know me
Is your hair naturally curly or straight? 
What is your natural hair colour?
light brown
Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon? 
I usually go to a salon but I have done it at home
What time do you get up and go to sleep?
 On a week day I go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 7:30AM on a weekend I just go to bed when I'm tired and wake up when I'm awake
How often or when do you work out? 
Twice a week usually, if I can be bothered.
Left-handed or right-handed?
How tall are you?
 5’5 I think
Do you speak a foreign language?
 A bit of Welsh and French
How many pets do you have? 
I have a little hamster called Fred 
How did you come up with your blog name?
 Its my name (I know so original!)
What kind of camera do you use for photographs? 
A Nikon Coolpix L310
What is your favourite colour?
probably purple or a light blue/turquoise 
If you could live in any home on television, what would it be?
Monica and Rachel's apartment on FRIENDS. 
Where do you go for advice? 
my mum usually
8: Name 5 songs which you know all the lyrics to. 
I tend to learn songs pretty quickly so everything that is on my ITunes library I probably know
9: Are you a night owl or a morning person?
Night defiantly 
13: What is your phone background? 
Daniel Radcliffe being totally hot
14:What would you do with a million dollars?
I would save some for myself, give a lot to my parents, give some to my brother and give some to certain charities such as Help For Heroes or Cancer Research UK


Only ONE WEEK until Christmas!!

Saturday 15 December 2012

Books I'm going to read in the Christmas holidays

This Christmas I will read....

1. *re-read* The Hunger Game trilogy- Suzanne Collins
2. The Woman In Black- Susan Hill
3. *re-read* The Perks of Being a Wallflower- Stephen Chobosky 
4. To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee

Friday 14 December 2012

Ed Sheeran

This October I went to see my all time favourite singer, Ed Sheeran, I queued with my friend Molly for about 9 hours to get the the front of the barrier, and well, it was truly the best thing I have ever seen in my life, he is SO good live, the only problem that I face now is that I physically cannot listen to certain songs on the + album without just sobbing because of perfection (e.g. Kiss Me, Lego House,Parting Glass and Small Bump) ALSO can I just say that his merch manager said I was "lovely" (AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH) We also got Ed some lego and when I asked his merch manager if he had it he said he had it on the bus! 

Tweet from the merch manager 

I still haven't recovered from it at all and I would post the videos on here as well, but I think I will save your earlobes the trauma that is my 'singing' and screaming.