Over the past 50 years, Doctor Who has seen some pretty magnificent (and some not so great) creatures. With the help of my new Doctor Who Encyclopedia I am going to look through my top five favourite monsters from the new era of Who (2005 onwards).
By the way if you are a fan of Doctor Who, I'd definitely recommend you getting this book, it has literally everything that you need to know about the new era of Who. However, little tip, try not to get it from shops because it is so much cheaper to get it online! Instead of paying 25 pounds I paid 12.70 pounds including P&P.
My ultimate favourite monster is possibly the scariest creature in Who history. These are of course The Weeping Angels, first appearing in the episode Blink with Sally Sparrow. They can only move when you are not watching them: which in my opinion makes them so much more scary than something that the Doctor can defeat with force, because you simply cannot defeat it, at least not simply. To destroy them you have to get them to look at each other (like the Doctor did in Blink) that way something is always looking at them and they turn to stone.

Next is Vashta Nerada, their first and last appearance was in series 4 (of the new era). I find them extremely scary because you cant escape them, the follow you around and lurk in the shadows and feast on your soul. I also find the episodes Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead so strange, they kind of trip your brain out a little bit.

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